Allegheny River Campground Site Map

Allegheny River Campground Site Map

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Allegheny River Campground Rules

Check-in 3:00 PM / Check-out for campsites is 1:00 PM / Check-out for rentals is 11:00 AM. Early check-in or late departure is a half day fee. Please check with management to determine availability.

Limit of 1 unit per site, either a tent or an RV, with 2 adults and 3 children. All others pay appropriate fees. 1 vehicle per site, extra vehicle is $5.00 per stay.

Swimming Pool: Pool Hours are as follows: 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM for all swimming. NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Please do not swim alone. No diapers; swim pants only. Anyone under the age of 16 MUST HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Splash Pad: Splash Pad is open 11:00 AM until Dusk. Children under the age of 16 must always be with an adult. No diapers allowed, swim pants only.

Quiet Hours: Quiet hours will be maintained from 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. All children must be at their site by 10:00 PM. No radios or live instruments are to be played during quiet hours.

Pets: Pets must be kept on a leash when outside your unit. You must clean up all droppings. There are pet stations throughout the park with trash bags and trash cans. Barking dogs will not be tolerated. You will be warned and then asked to leave if there are repeat problems with your pet(s). Pets are not permitted in the restrooms, pool, rec hall or pavilion. Pets are not to be left unattended either outside or inside unit. Please have proof of rabies vaccination on your person. Visitors may not bring pets into the park.

Vehicles: There is no use of ATV, RTV, UTV, 4 wheelers, etc. while in the park. Bikes may be ridden during daylight hours only. Helmets are required for any person under the age of 12 (state law). The use of battery powered riding toys in the campground requires an accompanying adult. Electric bikes must follow speed limits within park confines, as well as helmets for under age 12.

Electric Vehicles: We welcome electric vehicles; however, charging them represents a significant expense. If you would like to charge your vehicle at your site, please make prior arrangements with our office. We will meter your usage and only charge you for the kWh actually consumed.


Speed Limit is 5 MPH. Please observe this for the safety of our guests.

Water Discharge: Washing or repairing of units or vehicles not allowed in park. It is illegal to discharge grey or black water onto the ground surface.

Prohibited Items: No firearms, weapons, or illegal fireworks. Fireworks are not to be discharged in or around any camping unit. NO kiddie pools allowed.

Visitors: All visitors must stop at the office to register and pay the daily $5.00 or overnight $10.00 fees. If for any reason your guests do not register at the office, you will be charged a double fee. All daily visitors must depart by 10:00 PM. After 10:00 PM, they will be considered overnight guests and will be charged the additional fee.

Trash: Please take all trash and recyclables to approved areas in the park. There is no dumping of any kind (trash, grey water, black water, etc.) in the park. Dumping stations are provided on your exit from the park. If you wish to dump your tanks on the way in, there is a $12.00 fee to do so.

Campfires: Fires must be kept within the confines of the fire rings. Please do not move the fire rings. Please do not use wood with nails - this can cause damage to our campground machinery.

Wi-Fi: Free wireless Internet. Press free access button.

Do not cut through another camper’s site. This is their space. Please respect their privacy.

Entrance Gate: We have a barrier gate at the entrance of the park. This gate operates during from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM for entrance when your dash plaque is displayed. Please approach gate when exiting, and it will open automatically. If you need to be out of the park after 10:00 PM, you will need a gate access remote. The gate will not operate after 10:00 PM for entrance without the remote. If you do not have a remote, you will have to park and walk to your site after 10:00 PM. Please display your campground pass at all times on dash.

Refunds: We give no refunds for any reason, early departure, inclement weather, etc. Please don’t ask.

Rights of Management: We reserve the right to evict any person or family, who in our opinion is violating any of the rules set forth in this park. No refunds. We are not responsible for damage, loss, and theft to any and all personal property.